New Page EP Press

“Richly ambitious…An engaging selection, displaying a new-wave pop-rock influence and Ari’s impressive vocal ability, reminiscent of early Debby Harry … a real high” — Rock N Reel Magazine, UK

A very nice email from the DJ: 

I has been one of my favorite interviews in a very long time.  One of the down sides of interviewing is you often end up with the same boring questions and listeners tune out.  It depends on the person being interviewed as well, as we talked about, and you were fantastic.  You made my part easy, and your ease at telling your story came through in the broadcast.  Thank you again for doing that. 

Chat Room Responses: 

RobbieYour story touched my heart with everything you went through and survived.  Thank you for sharing. 

RachelAn emotional journey, from obviously a very strong individual. 

Tom: Thank you for sharing such personal details.  Its one thing to hear and learn about the music, but its so much more to get an understanding of the person you are listening to and some of the struggles they have gone through 

AlWhat an amazing journey.  Just when you think you were going to persevere and come out the other side, another setback, and still you battled on.  Congratulations 

VeronicaIt would have been a wonderful interview just because of Michele’s incredible story and her ability to share it with us, but the music of hers that followed was also excellent and I look forward to listening to more of her music.   A new fan

PatGreat Interview.  I always enjoy when the musician is so open about more than just their music.  Bravo 

NicoleHow many people would have thrown in the towel or just folded up after so much set back.  The loss of my mother set me back more than 2 years, and though we all deal with things differently, to add your other struggles on top speaks highly of the quality of lady Michele


Read Interview Here: RMG Magazine, Sheffield/Manchester, England 

 Interview with Northern Revive: Manchester, UK

Far more than just a framework for a voice... the listener is left in no doubt that this is a musician who has much to add to the world of music. -Tim Whale
Indie Bands Blog, UK Review (Click here for the full review)

Intimate, confessional and bittersweet. Maybe music like hers never existed until right now - but regardless, here it is, and it sounds like something new to me. -Alan Baillie
- Subba-Cultcha, London Review (click here for the full review)

Channeling the spirit of Debbie Harry - Philip Ward
-Rock N Reel Magazine, UK Review (click here for the full review)
Crosby, Stills and Nash cover

It’s an ep that makes the listener aware of just how gifted Michele Ari is. And this stuff is catchy enough to be on the radio, though has enough edge to be taken seriously. -Anna Marie Stjarnell, Editor
-Collected Sounds, Sweden Review (click here for the full review)

With so much faith placed in transitory fame these days, it's a relief to encounter an artist who tells it straight.
-Bluesbunny, Glasgow Review (click here for the full review)

 ...defies the girl-with-acoustic-guitar image while capturing some of the spirit of Ari's live performances.
-Curtis Ross Music and Features Writer
-The Tampa Tribune, Tampa, Fl. Review (click here for the full review)

The frontman is the center piece, the attention getter, and the hook, and Michele is all of those things and more.
-Gaper's Block, Chicago Review (click here for the full review)

A gifted artist... (her) EP is a real treat. --Anna Marie Stjarnell
-Collected Sounds, Sweden Review (click here for the full review)

She has such melodic pull. A capability to evoke countless emotions. It’s a haunting almost. A subtle presence that gently ghosts you, yet so firm in it’s manifestation! intensity of unquestionable depth.
-Alan Baillie
-Subba-Cultcha, London Review (click here for the full review)

 She isn't seducing the listener as much as putting them in a trance. -Adam Harrington
-Whisperin and Hollerin, UK Review (click here for the full review)

This is a subtle, emotionally powerful record that is personal and addicting. Keep an eye out for this lady; she is going places. -Karla Ash
-The Wig Fits All Heads, Seattle Review 

Ari probably cried to Morrissey songs in her dorm room -- and we certainly need more women like that... those who miss 'the collegiate girl' will be kicking themselves if they pass this up. -Kyrby Raines
-Ink 19, Review (click here for the full review)

Michele Ari has a terrific voice and a smart way with words. -Anna Marie Stjarnell
-Collected Sounds, Sweden Review (click here for the full review)

...enigmatic lyrics and the vintage left-of-the-dial rhythms -Jakob Dystra
-Girl Posse, Review (click here for the full review)

This album fills a void in today’s top ten, infusing it with some much needed sophistication and thoughtful songcrafting. -Jennifer Layton, Asst. Senior Editor
-Indie, Review (click here for the full review)

 It is obvious that Michele is a very poignant song writer, delivering a CD that carries you through a journey in life. -Liz Fernandez
-Florida Entertainment Scene, Review (click here for the full review)

Think Debbie Harry meets Ronnie Spector with a dash of Michael Stipe...Ari's vocals are relaxed and unpretentious, exuding 10 times more emotion and inspiration than any of mainstream radio's current pop crazes.  -Frank Krolicki
-Vinyl Goldmine, Chicago (click here for the full review)


The Morbid Romantic, Edinburgh, Scotland

An unexpected, unsolicited and very passionate summation by Alan Baillie who must have just had me on his mind. And thank god for that.
Such was my admiration for her hard-working rock & roll honesty, the sheer determination to be recognised for the human being she was born to be it began to frustrate ME possibly as much as it did her that again and again she was overlooked by blinkered A&R men with specific instructions to hunt out one kind of particular human being with one specific marketable asset!
Click here to read the full article

Subba-Cultcha, London

Front Page Feature Interview with Alan Baillie
With Michele Ari it’s her seamless changes of direction, the genuine desire for making music she was born to. That’s the moments that remind me just how accomplished she really is. Scrunched up messiness and euphoric, wide eyed prettiness - she’s all of that, with the intensity of a snarling tiger for a soul. 

-Click here to read the full interview

Real Sounds UK

To reach people, to touch them, to relate to them and feel connected but mostly to entertain them.

Click here to read the full interview

Rock n' Reel Magazine, UK

Feature/Interview   Philip Ward  British historian and author of Sandy Denny: Reflections of Her Music-
I don’t think about it. I’m here to have fun. If I think about it, if I worry about the possibility  of looking stupid, it’s all over.

-Read full interview here Page 2. See Insight .
Ian Anderson cover

Windy City Rock, Chicago

I can clearly remember the first time I heard Michele Ari's music. We had connected on MySpace
of all places, where it's incredibly easy to ignore musicians because there's so many and most of
them aren't very good, but that just wasn't possible with Michele.Interview with Frank Krolicki

 -Click here to read full interview Indie Examiner

Interview with Angie Biachi
Someone told her to come to Nashville. She was skeptical at first, thinking of Music City as a hub for mostly country music. But she came anyway

-Click here to read full interview

More interviews from the archives and the future to come...



As Michele puts it, a lot of life had to be lived for her to arrive at this very moment. We spoke in the heat of this past September. Now it’s October and time is flying on the tractory Michele has set for herself. Songs to be finished. Music to be made. Album to be delivered.  And we, her fans, can be here to help, and go along for the ride! 

Michele is a terrific writer. Expressing everything that comes at her, in ways both subtle and straightforward, even overwhelming. That actually very much reflects in her music as well. Alternately, hard sounds mingle with punk, ballads, and very thoughtful poetry in song. And along with that, a lot of unexpected playfulness in music, lyric, and execution.

Reading Michele’s musings at her website, one gets an expansive appreciation for life through her words and music, and the experiences she has lived through, and created for the future.


Read and Listen to the Full Interview Here


Interview with IndieBandsBlog UK about "moving, homelessness
& the ups and downs of life amongst much else" 2013

Faces on the Radio

Fun as a guest on this popular Portland podcast about music, music, music and on the day I was there: music censorship.
(I'm on more, more towards the middle.)